
2018-09-11 18:54:10


  慈善晚宴现场,中澳两国政、商、文、体等各界精英及海内外爱心人士齐聚一堂,中华人民共和国驻墨尔本副总领事曾建华,澳大利亚半边天基金会创始人Guy Russo,首席执行官Deanne Bevan,凤凰网市场与公关部总经理侯春艳等嘉宾出席。



  这是凤凰网美丽童行与半边天基金会的第二次合作,我们很开心可以再一次来到美丽的墨尔本,感谢公益将我们紧密的联系在一起。在这里,我想特别感谢Guy&Deanne 夫妇,以及澳大利亚半边天基金会的所有工作人员,你们一直以来的努力,让一部分远在中国的困境儿童感受到来自远方的关爱和温暖,让他们感受到人世间的美好,这对于他们今后的成长发挥着重要且积极的作用。



  这些年,伴随我们的项目,我结识了许多像Guy&Deanne夫妇一样的爱心人士,他们善良、谦逊、对周遭有着深沉的爱。藉由共同的心愿,大家走到一起,美丽童行的队伍也在这12年间不断完善与壮大。 我们深知今天的我们也是所有合作伙伴共同造就的我们。在这条公益践行之路上,大家彼此认同,相互扶持,共同喝彩,只为帮助更多需要帮助的孩子。



  Good evening, ladies and gentleman, all friends of Half the Sky.

  This is the second year that Ifeng.com Forever Happiness and Half the Sky to cooperate together in presenting charity gala. We come to this beautiful city with the same purpose and wishes as everyone sitting here, to help children in need. I want to thank Mr. Guy Russo, Ms. Deanne Bevan, and the Half the Sky Australia team for having us tonight. Because of your efforts, lots of children in need can feel the care and love across the ocean.

  Ifeng.com is not only an internet enterprise in China, but also plays the important role as an influential media. We keep creating high quality contents and insist the responsibility in media. Meanwhile, we have been making lots of effort to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. “Forever Happiness” is one of the most significant charity events of Ifeng.com. We started from Daliangshan, Sichuan province in 2007, which included both fundraising and charity activities. In the past years, we have faced lots of challenges and difficulties. However, we believe that little actions together will generate big social awareness and promote the progress of the whole industry. So far Forever Happiness charity gala has gone to seven cities in three different continents. Throughout the years, we have built partnerships with over 10 experienced charitable organizations, and helped them reach a larger audience and raised more than $ 32 million.

  Last year, I couldn’t come to this gala because of the born of my second child. It is my honor to join the event this year, together with all warm heart people, for a good cause. As a mom for two children, I understand how important roles that companionship and love played in the children’s growth. When I hold my daughters, I can feel their satisfaction and happiness. They will learn the courage and kindness by facing the difficulties. And they will always carry the love and confidence to discover the new world. What we do today is not only for children, but also for ourselves. Therefore, we would like to keep developing good projects and cooperate with great organizations like Half the Sky to benefit more children in China!

  Thanks to our programme, I got to know people like Guy & Deanne who are kind, modest, and have a deep love with surroundings over the last few years. We get together through our common aspiration and the team of ‘Forever Happiness’ has been growing over the last 12 years as well. We will not be what we are today without our cooperators. On this journey, we recognize each other, support each other and cheer for each other, just for helping more vulnerable children.

  Finally, I want to once again, thank Half the Sky Foundation Australia and everyone here for your time and effort to care about and help children in China. It must be a special and warm night for all of us to remember